
We advocate for women who are called to ministry and for men who support them.  We help denominations, churches, and pastors move from simply affirming women in ministry leadership to implementing their support practically.  We speak, write, meet, and network for sake of mutual ministry.

We advocate for justice and equity on the basis of a vision for the diversity of the Kingdom of God. We partner with ministry leaders who are engaged with reconciliation work to advocate for effective and transformational ministries.


We educate Christians about Mutual Ministry and Kingdom Diversity through creating and collecting resources that help people understand the biblical and theological foundations for ministries of reconciliation.  We make resources easily accessible through our online presence.


We elevate the voices of women and men who are working for Mutual Ministry and Kingdom Diversity. We share stories, sermons, and more in order to increase the visibility and enlarge the platform of ministry leaders who model the ministry of reconciliation.